Hardworking and enthusiastic Front-end developer with more than 2 years of commercial experience in web development. Executive of diverse IT experience in creating web apps support of health and security monitoring, transport logistics and creating of VR apps. Key skills on frontend side include: HTML, CSS/SCSS/SASS, JavaScript, TypeScript, proficient at Vue.js and Angular frameworks. Seeking for opportunities and challenges that ill expand my skill set.
Industries: Healthcare
Project Name: Applet building CRM
Project description: Development of CRM that provides step-by-step instructions to create and administer applets with polls, media shares and cognitive tasks for use in the mobile app. Project allows to schedule applets completions in calendar, creating reports with conditions according to the applet completion results, manage applets from dashboard, visualize data, import applets from GitHub etc. Project contains library with public shared applets from users and allows to merge or add them into own applet. Applet builder part is created separately as npm package so it can be used by organizations with their own dashboard.
Technologies and Tools: Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, Axios, JSON-LD, npm API, CryptoJS, Lodash, mavon (WYSIWYG editor), GitHub API, xlsx parser, DaySpan, Moment.js, i18n, HTML5, SASS/SCSS, Scrum
Team size: 20
Industries: Transport logistics
Project Name: Fleet management software
Project description: Development of fleet management software solution with real-time location tracking via GPS. Indication of current route and speed, geo-zone notifications, driver safety warnings, fuel consumption management, car fleet maintenance with reminders and repair support, detailed analytical reports and etc. Integration with tracking devices and sharing data with them. Integration of custom map overlays for customers. Flexible notification system of various types, generated by certain events, setting up types of notifications (SMS, email, push, system notifications), recipients and sources of activities. Chat development via websockets. Custom themes support. Admin part of application contains analytical reports, flexible user, devices, roles settings, logs of all the system actions, huge set of different configurable options, maps and car location reports. Role based user hierarchy and multi teams support.
Technologies and Tools: Angular, Angular Material UI, Typescript, RxJS, ChartJS, Lodash, Leaflet, Mapbox Studio, Google maps API, dayjs, Socket.IO, Websocket, i18n, HTML5, SASS/SCSS, Kanban
Team size: 8
Industries: VR
Project Name: WebXR demo app for Oculus Quest 2
Project description: Development of website with WebXR viewer. Building PWA, that became available in Oculus Quest 2. Building car selling website that contains models of car and interior that as available as simple 3D model accessing from PC browser. Integration WebXR functionalities for VR headset and controllers. Possibility to customize 3D models (e.g. recolor).
Technologies and Tools: Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, Three.js, WebXR, PWA, HTML5, SASS/SCSS
Team size: 2
Industries: Healthcare
Project Name: Healthcare telemedicine profile
Project description: Development of online patient medical card. Encrypting personal information and resolving security issues according to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA compliance). Representation of patients medical history, data storage of last online visits. Scheduling meetings with doctors, integrating P2P online meeting rooms service.
Technologies and Tools: Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, Vee-validate, Axios, CryptoJS, Lodash, Moment.js, OpenID Connect, i18n, HTML5, SASS/SCSS, Jira, Scrum
Team size: 9